

Woke up late again! So mad at myself! I’m going to have to put my alarm clock by my door so I have to physically get up to turn it off… I arrived an hour late so I ran 5 miles while the team ran 7…I began at Rickenbacker Causeway, went out to Biscayne Road & 32nd street and back to Hobie Beach. Felt great at the beginning of the run, could’ve been the power bar I had. Our coaches and veteran teammates advised us to try out different foods before our training runs to find what agrees with our tummies. I usually have a piece of toast with peanut butter (my favorite!), felt more energized with the peanut butter power bar, though. Still, I want to stick to the all natural stuff….I’ll try a PB&Banana sandwich next week. Back to the run. My shins felt okay but my calves felt tight. Stopped at the turning point for a brief stretch and a swig of Gatorade. The way back was tough….the sun was scorching and it was disgustingly humid, have to be thankful though, no skeeters this week!

After practice a group of us went to Einstein Bagels in Miracle Mile for breakfast. Flashback to two Saturday’s ago – I walked into Einstein’s, mind you, just came from the mosquito plagued practice, stunk like a skunk, sweaty, sticky and the ring of sweat on my crotch was significantly noticeable!Oh-my-gross!!! I walk in and Paul, my co-worker, was having breakfast with his family. I was mortified!!! Paul: You have seen me at my worst, I promise, it doesn’t get any worse than that! Allow me to make a public apology for my appearance that morning…ISK! Back to present day – After breakfast Sarah, Gabie and I headed to Foot Works. Sarah bought sneakers and we both bought fuel belts. The fuel belt (see 07/04 pic) has four 6 oz. bottles to hold your water and/or sports drink, and a small pouch to keep your power snacks, but I choose to keep my camera there instead! You know me….I am emotionally attached to it! I also walked out with elastic laces, anti-chaffing cream and energy snacks…